Thank you for choosing LifeSwitch Driving Academy as your source for state certified driving training. If you have signed up to take a course in a virtual classroom setting, please download the instructions from the link below prior to class start time so you can insure you know the expectations for vitual classroom students and so you can work out any technical issues you might have before the class begins. Unfortunately, we will not have time to help with individual computer problems once the course has started.

We will review general guidelines at the beginning of class. The following rules however are specific to virtual students.

  • Conducive environment Make sure you are taking the class in a stable, quiet and non-distractive environment. Be aware that what happens behind you is visible to others in the class. Children and pets playing in the background can be hard to ignore.
  • Your video feed must stay on during class and you mujst remain in the picture active. Still pictures of you have about a two minute shelf life before the instructor realizes you are no longer blinking or breathing. At that point we will call 911 and give them your address to make sure you are still alive.
  • Bathroom Breaks We have a break approximately every hour. Generally that is frequent enough to prevent bathroom breaks during class time. Use your best judgement of course but the expectation is you will be in front of your camera during class time.
  • Muting and Screen Name: Keep your Mic muted unless you are talking or are about to talk. Please ensure that your screen name is at least your first name and last initial.
  • Participation Expected: It is easy to think in a virtual environment you can multi-task and keep half an eye on the course and get by. Don't make that mistake. If the instructor calls on you and repeatedly you are lost about the topic, you can be dismissed from the class and you will have to take it again.

LifeSwitch Driving Academy

We are here to help you successfully complete your course or evaluation.

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