Unless otherwise noted, this policy applies to all students in all LifeSwitch course classes regardless of whether the student is in a live or virtual settting. LifeSwitch at its discretion can disenroll any student who violates any stipulation in this policy or has a part in creating an environment for the instructor or a fellow student that is uncomfortable, threatening or lessens the positive learning opportunity. Additionally, there is no requirement that a student who is disenrolled will be refunded any portion of the fees paid.
- You must be present for all instruction. Be in the classroom or stationery in a location that appropriately substitutes for a classroom environment.
- Be on time each day and when returning from breaks or lunch. LifeSwitch is required by law to not admit students who are more than 10 minutes late.
- Virtual students, please don’t try to take this course on your phone. You won’t be able to keep up as the screen is too small to read the presented material.
- Virtual students, prior to class please complete the PREP module on our website to make sure your equipment is sufficient, your internet speed is fast enough and you know how to move around ZOOM. Here is the link.
- During class, please don’t have secondary conversations unless you are working on an assignment that requires you to collaborate with another student.
- Virtual students, you must be on a live video feed and facing the camera at all times with mic muted except when speaking to the instructor or group.
- Virtual students, pay attention to what is going on behind you when you are in class. Children wrestling on the couch is distracting to the rest of us.
- Cell phones cannot be used during class. Please keep your phone off and out of view. There is a 10-minute break every hour when you can use your phone.
- Do not show up to class intoxicated. This violation can have serious consequences.
- By law, we are allowed to offer coffee, tea and water at no charge to students. We are required to charge $1.00 for soft drinks. There is a place to put your $1 on top of the refrigerator
- Cigarette, cigar or pipe smoking is not allowed on zoom or live
- Stay awake. We do not have nappy time. Students who can’t stay awake will be disenrolled and your money may not be refunded.
- Your participation is required during class. It is in your best interest when called on knowing where the instructor is in the material.
- Healthy discussion and debate are always welcome. Personal Insults and putting down another person are not. Treat others as you want to be treated.
- As a general rule, profanity is not allowed in class. In practical application, we are adults. Avoid the “F” and “GD” words and it is unlikely to be a problem. Mutual respect demands we watch our language in a public setting.
- 16. The material is created to be engaging and enjoyable. While some enroll for reasons of personal development and growth, most students are in the class because it is required by law. Regardless, take a deep breath, Relax, learn and have fun!
LifeSwitch Driving Academy
We are here to help you successfully complete your course or evaluation.